PSI 2020

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PSI está elaborado con cepas de Tinto Fino y un pequeño porcentaje de Garnacha (entre 5% y 10%) de más de 30 años cultivadas en microparcelas. La última joya de Peter Siseck se desmarca de la rotunda extracción de los otros vinos del Dominio de Pingus para ofrecer un carácter más fresco y frutal, con cepas más jóvenes y una crianza en grandes tinos de roble.

2020 fue un año cálido, pero con el alto contenido de piedra caliza en los suelos, con lo que el vino ha mantenido una muy buena frescura. 

Se han elaborado 350.000 botellas de la añada 2020.


Compra PSI 2020 al precio de 36.91 €. Vinos Tinto, Blanco, Rosado

  • grape_type
  • consumption_date
    2023 - 2029
  • wine_type
    Tipo de vino
  • consumption_temperature
    Temperatura de servicio
  • pairing
    Carnes y verduras asadas.
Ficha técnica
Ficha técnica
  • Tinto
  • España
  • Castilla y León
  • Valladolid
  • Dominio de Pingus
  • PSI
  • 2020
  • Arcilloso, Arenoso
  • 14,3
  • 1ESCLE0041333
Opinión del experto

Opinión del experto

"In 2020, he reached the target he set for himself when PSI first started, to produce around 300,000 bottles (it's actually 350,000 bottles). The volume of the 2020 PSI is something that's important, as it has availability and affordability, which is necessary when based on quality, purchasing only grapes from old vines (they use 7,000 plots for this volume!). So, they also started purchasing some of those vineyards in 2022 (they think they need 200 hectares to keep the volume, so the aim is to own maybe half of it). Peter Sisseck remarked that we have to remember 2020 was a warm year, but with the high content of limestone in the soils, the wine has kept very good freshness. They harvested early, before the rain, and they also used some 5% to 10% Garnacha (they could use up to 25%, according to regulations) in the blend to lower the pH of the wine. Below 3.8, he thinks, the wines from the zone are very angular and hard if it's only Tempranillo, so Garnacha (which doesn't have as much tannins as Tempranillo) can help with that; but the difficulty is finding Garnacha grapes, so they are considering planting some Garnacha for the future. The bottled wine has all that the sample promised—clean and healthy aromas, floral and elegant, aromatic and with good freshness. The palate is medium-bodied, with elegant tannins, pleasant and easy to drink. 350,000 bottles produced. It was bottled in July 2022."

Luis Gutiérrez
Enero 2023

Crítico de Robert Parker

Dominio de Pingus

  • País
  • Región
    Castilla y León
  • Producción total
    270.000 botellas/año
  • Extensión del dominio
    36 ha
Descubre el Dominio
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